Here at Meyer Brothers and Sons, we value & appreciate the beauty & sustainability of natural wood. One of the most rewarding experiences we have is seeing a dying tree turn into a family heirloom, continuing the life & beauty of creation. Below are images of what that looks like for Jerry’s bedroom furniture suite:
Standing dead walnut tree
Dick’s job is the first step in the process
The walnut logs loaded up and heading to the saw mill
Here’s the rough saw mill
Logs are cut, dried & surfaced at the lumber yard and this is what they look like delivered back to our shop
First step of furniture making: the cabinet facing
Gluing up the wood for the tops
Kreg screwing the walnut plywood box together
Routing the rails & stiles for the bed headboard & footboard
Sanding the center panels
Gluing the rail & stile together
Inserting the center panel
Creating the ends of the headboard & footboard
Example of traditional wood peg joinery
Construction completed, waiting for the sprayed clear lacquer finish
Side table with custom inlay, which is featured in all the tops
The side panel was specifically chosen for it’s unique character and will be the first thing seen upon entering the room
Dovetail machine
White oak & walnut dovetailed drawers
The finished product installed
What started out as a tree now rests in Jerry’s house as an heirloom which will hopefully last several hundred more years…