Here is an article I came across and thought it was good advice for people remodeling their kitchen. When we remodel a kitchen, which typically takes 4 weeks, we do all we can to set people up for continued use of some kind of kitchen, for we know what it is like to live without the “heart” of your home, especially for families:
Setting Up a Temporary Kitchen
When good-enough is as good as it gets

It might be a shell of your actual kitchen, but a temporary kitchen is a must during a remodel.
If you frequently prepare meals in your kitchen, a kitchen remodel will pose you with many culinary conundrums. It will be imperative for you to set up a temporary kitchen, which may not provide you the ability to prepare Thanksgiving dinner for 30 guests, but will at least help you cook an edible meal instead of eating out every day of the week. Here are a few tips for setting up your temporary kitchen:
- Keep essential items handy: microwave meals and non-perishables like soup; condiments; cereal; microwave-safe dishes and utensils; dishcloths; dishwasher soap; paper plates and cups; coffee; coffee pot and sugar/creamer; paper towels; napkins; and garbage bags.
- You’ll be without water in the kitchen for a time, so plan to do the dishes in another sink or the bathtub. Or stock up on disposable plates and cups, paper towels and a disinfectant cleanser.
- Move your old refrigerator or a small mini-fridge to a convenient space close to a water source. Add a table with a microwave above and a trash can below.